Item# 10045938MSA
MSA Lanyards are engineered to meet the fall protection needs of
industry. Styles are designed to meet specific applications.
Features and Specifications:
- Model Number: 10045938
- Properties:
- Swivel HL2000 Harness Connection (Prevents the lanyard from
tangling during use)
- (2) HL64 Anchorage Connection
- Twin Leg, 6' Diamond Expanyard contracts to 4.5'
- Elastic design reduces trip hazards and snag hazards
- Polyester, single piece construction
- Lightweight, streamlined design
- Strong and durable polyester sheath for increased abrasion
and UV resistance
- Teflon® fabric protector provides water, stain, and
mildew resistance
- Keeps fall arrest forces below 900 lbf
- Highly visible deployment tag
- Pouchless design (More comfortable to wear and Lighter
- Meets OSHA regulations, ANSI Z359.1-1992 (R1999), ANSI
A10.32, and is CSA certified